In 2001, many state governments began to look into ways
to reduce the overcrowding of the prison system. In addition
to overcrowding, studies were showing that the prison life was doing
very little in the way of rehabilitation. A bold proposal was
passed at the State level that allowed an experimental school to be
established, with the goal of properly educating and rehabilitating
young ladies aged 18 to 21. Many young ladies, convicted of lesser
crimes, were given the option of voluntarily admitting themselves to
a private run Institute for a one year stay.
The RS Institute of Learning, was founded on the principles
of education and strict discipline. Young women who enter through
the doors of the Institute find themselves shocked by the code of conduct
they must adhere to and the results of any deviation from that code. Corporal
punishment is the primary means of discipline and it is administered
often and severely. Education is the primary goal at the Institute,
and the young women find themselves engaged in study 8 hours per day.
From the moment they arrive, the women realize
that they are in a far different environment than they are
used to. They are immediately told to strip off all of
their clothes and present their naked bodies to the Dorm Mom. The
Dorm Mom oversees all aspects of the young ladies discipline,
education, and day to day lives. She is a very strict,
no-nonsense disciplinarian who immediately puts every girl
in her proper place. All of their personal belonging
are confiscated and their bodies are inspected for jewelry
and piercings. Anything on their body they were not born
with, is removed. This method of introduction helps
these young ladies realize that they have given up many
things upon coming to the Institute, including their modesty. Any
girl who protests, tries to cover herself, or creates any
sort of problems, is soundly spanked. |

Every girl is issued the standard Institute
uniform. Very quickly these young ladies, hardened from
the street, feel very much like little girls. With the
exception of the pajamas they are issued, the Institute uniform
is all they will be allowed to wear during their one year stay
at the Institute. The Dorm Mom then spends a few minutes
going over the basic rules of the Institute. They are
informed that, unlike the prison life they managed to avoid,
they are to act like proper ladies at all times. The
bad habits developed in a prison environment like smoking,
cussing, and sexual relations will not be tolerated at all,
at the Institute. Their rehabilitation at the Institute,
is very similar to starting over as young children in life. They
will be taught to conduct themselves as a proper young
should at all times. If they fail to follow the directions,
rules, or code of conduct, their bottoms will be bared
and properly spanked. |
The next step in the check in process is their
introduction to the Dean. The Dean oversees all aspects
of the Institute and handles the discipline of the girls who
have demonstrated an inability to follow the program. The
Dean goes into further detail about what is expected of each
girl during her stay at the Institute. The Dean assigns
each girl her handbook, that details the Institute rules
and the code of conduct the girls
must adhere to. The Institute paddles on the wall,
help to illustrate his point. |
After their introduction to the Dean, each girl is taken
to her dorm room. While much better than the accommodations of
prison, the dorm rooms are very basic, and the girls are only provided
with a bed, and a closet. Since their focus for the next year
will be on their studies, there are no radios or TVs anywhere in the
Institute. All time spent outside of class will be spent studying,
eating, or sleeping. Once they have settled in their rooms, they
are taken to class.
Just as with the rest of the Institute, discipline
in the classroom is maintained through the frequent use of
corporal punishment. Each girl is required to focus her
full attention on her studies. Any deviation from
the rules of the classroom,
poor grades, or simply not paying attention will result
in a very sore and bruised bottom. The cane, paddle,
punishment strap, and ruler are all used liberally to assure
each and every girl receives the education she was sent
to the Institute for. |
Discipline and order are maintained at the Institute
in a variety of ways. The most common occurrence of corporal
punishment at the Institute, is for on the spot infractions. At
any time that a young lady finds herself acting in a way other
than that specified in the code of conduct, she is punished
immediately. This most often occurs at the hands of the
Dorm Mom or by a teacher. Rarely does a young lady find
herself being punished by the Dorm mom in which her bottom
is not bared. In addition to on the spot infractions,
the Dorm mom does weekly inspections and progress reports. At
anytime, a young lady may be visited by the Dorm Mom. If
the Dorm Mom finds any aspect of the girl's behavior, attitude,
or the state of her room not to her liking, the girl will quickly
find herself with a sore bottom. |

The Dorm Mom has found
that making a girl fully undress, prior to her punishment,
adds greatly to the humiliation
aspect and is a very powerful tool. In addition, she has
no problem punishing a girl, fully nude, in the full presence
of anyone around, as a warning to the others. Girls
who find themselves in trouble together are punished together. It
is not uncommon for her to yank four girls out of a classroom,
march them down the hall, strip them naked, and punish
their bottoms until they are black and blue. The
girls learn very quickly that anything but their best behavior,
will have them sitting gingerly for days to come. |
For those young ladies in which the
daily discipline administered by the teachers and the Dorm
Mom proves to not be effective enough,
a trip to the Dean's Office is ordered. Punishments
administered in the Dean's Office are the most severe punishment
the girls
are subjected to. While he does use his hand, the cane, and the punishment
strap, large wooden paddles are his most frequent implement of choice. Nothing
leaves as long lasting of an impression as a wooden paddle. Any girl unfortunate
enough to earn a trip to the Dean's Office, quickly sees the error in her ways. |
